Thursday, December 8, 2016

I'm scared, I've been experiencing something this last week that I had never experienced before. I'm calling them flashbacks but not all of them take part in the past. They aren't all memories. The second most recent one I know took place in the present, and I know it wasn't a memory.

I blink and suddenly I was in New Zealand again. I'm sitting there in the big char by the wall and we are planning a trip to the gold coast for January. I look at the clock on the surface and realize its time to head to cricket. I grab the camera batteries from the charger and grab the camera bag and we head out to the car for a drive to Cobham. We get there and Geno drops me off before driving away. I set up along the rope and then go inside the pavilion to wait for the start of the match. When the players take the field I head back out and start shooting.

At some point I blinked again in New Zealand and Im back in group in the hospital, holding the same conversation that was going on before I had my episode.

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