1) Return of the King: Why don't I like this book. It has some great moments in it, and the writing is fine. Its on par with the other two books in the Lord of the Rings series. No, the reason I don't like this book as much as its movie is because it focuses so much on Frodo and Sam. It gets to the point in Frodo's corruption that I just want to wring his neck myself and I was actively hoping that gollum would kill him.
2) Jurassic Park: SEE BELOW
3) The Lost World: Michael Crichton is just a little too long winded for me. I liked both books, but nowhere near as much as the movies.
4) The Bourne Series (Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum): The Movies don't follow the books and are completely different stories. The books are great, I just like the movies a bit more. I would not call this series an adaption of the books but rather borrowing the character and title.
This is in no way a complete list of Movies that are equal to their book, only movies that I enjoyed as much or more so. There are books like the Godfather which I should read...
Stay tuned for a list of books that are better than their movie.
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