I don't know why but I had the sudden urge to play Titan Quest earlier today. I played it in the past when it was released and really enjoyed it, so much infact when it was released on Steam as the Gold Edition I bought another copy so I didn't need to worry about the disc disappearing on me or something.
Steam's installation of the game is rather stupid. First you need to download the base game and run it. Failing to do this can result in errors when trying to run the expansion. Now this wouldn't be so bad, except then you need to download the full game a second time in addition to the expansion. Altogether it tops out at about 6 gigs.
Now originally I didn't know about the errors encountered when you don't run the base game so I downloaded both at the same time. When I try to run the expansion I get the message "Steam not found" and my internet browser opens up the steam download page.
I close that, make sure theres no Titan Quest executables running and then try to run the base game thinking maybe I needed to run the base game first. However I get the message "(app already running)"
Googling reveals that its a known issue with Titan Quest, though there aren't many posts on it, and directs to a page with solutions. So off I go to redownload the game, another 6 gigs. None of the solutions worked. I emailed Steam about it hoping they would have more ideas.
I get back an email suggesting that I run Steam as administrator, doesn't work. I email them back and get some BS apology and one final solution of reinstalling steam.
I go and do this and the uninstallation freezes, or so I think. Apparently the reinstall first uninstalled every game i had installed, all 700 gigs of games, uninstalled. Now Steam gave me no heads up about this happening, neither in the email or in the application.
So now here I am, downloading all the games again at 900 kb/s. The good news in all this is that Titan Quest runs.
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