Sunday, February 16, 2014


Listen GOP. I myself am a registered member of your party. So you should know now that what I am about to say does not come from some bleeding hearted liberal. You, and by you I mean all the narrow minded church going bigots out there, have lost. You have lost touch with what this country wants, you have lost touch with things that are occurring in this country. Instead of addressing these issues you continue to fight a losing battle opposing gay-marriage. Americans will no longer tolerate flagrant discrimination in our laws. Fighting against equal marriage from state to state is a waste of resources, with each case that is set aside pending appeals you push the supreme court closer and closer to being forced into ruling that all states must allow it. That day is coming, whether it comes in the next year or the year after that. There is no stopping it at this point.

Instead of fighting this losing battle you should be devoting yourselves to reaching young people. More and more are beginning to see the party as a pack of old fools desperately clinging to the past.

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