Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hooked on 'Project Zomboid'

I love zombies, I went over it a little in my DayZ post but I think I'll go into it a big further here. I am a big fan of zombie games, books, movies, whatever. Some of my favorite books are Day-by-Day Armageddon, Zombie Survival Guide , and World War Z (which is NOTHING like the movie incase the movie is holding you back from reading the book.)

Movies have been hard to come by. Good ones that is. There are plenty of bad ones out there. Most zombie films have become a mix of horror/comedy. You have pseudo-zombie movies like 'I am Legend' or zombie films such as '28 days later' and '28 weeks later'. But none are really that good.  'The Walking Dead' is EASILY the best portrayal of zombies on screen. It is a rather good adaption of the comic, and keeps the fear of the zombie paramount even when there are other problems.

Sadly, most games treat zombies as something to go out and hunt rather than something to be feared. Games like Dead Island, Left for Dead, Dead Rising, and Killing Floor are all eradication games rather than simply trying to survive. These games are still very fun but they don't depict the type of Zombie I like. The slow shambling terror thats moan can 'call' all nearby zombies.

In steps Project Zomboid. Its a survival game that sticks you right in a post apocalyptic world and tells you straight off 'This is how you died.' It is possible to survive for a long time, but very difficult. This is after all a survival game as well as a zombie game. You need to scavenge food, manage sickness, and create/find shelter.

Just when you think you have all that covered, Power and Water get turned off. All that perishable food you scavenged is now going to slowly rot. Hopefully you have been preparing for this and have farms and water collectors built and ready.

Killed all the nearby zombies and think its safe? Think again, with random gunshots and helicopters, the zombie hordes can and will cross the map. Some just may end up at your front door. 

The game isn't perfect and there are something that seem odd, such as why you can't just leave a pot out in the rain to collect water, but if you don't like something the game is easily moddable. One of the first things I modded into the game for instance what the ability to create wood nails (called trunnel or treenail) that could be used instead of scavenging for nails. Next was the ability to dry wet towels. I don't resent having to mod these 'basics' into the game, and rather appreciate the ability to. There are far too many games out there without the ability to mod things.

All in all the game is NOT perfect, nor is it finished. It is however the closest thing I have come in a game to the survival aspects of a zombie apocalypse. 

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